Let me guess, you’re the sort of person who likes to look your best when out on the town, but you’re definitely not averse to some DIY tips in the home? It’s not surprising,.some of the life hacks and DIY fashion tips make so much sense, especially when you consider how effective they are and the savings you can make. Below are some of our favorites for a night out on the town!
Sparkle and Shine
Do you have jewelry that’s somewhat worn and in need or refreshing? Sometimes, restoring your precious stones can be just as good as buying an entirely new set of bracelets and necklaces – it’s how it makes you feel as well as how it looks.
With this ammonia recipe you can bring old jewelry up like new again. It’s very simple. You mix together some ammonia with washing up liquid and warm water. Put your stones in for just ten minutes and they will come up like new.
Wrinkle Release
Picture the scene. You had decided to stay in for the evening, drink some glasses of wine, watch a movie with your cat. Then you get a phone call from a friend and things change. You consider swapping the wine for prosecco and putting on the favorite dress.
But when you fish it out it’s wrinkled. This garment is the perfect thing to wear for the evening but there’s no way to wash it and iron it in time. Fortunately you can wear it with this quick tip. Run the hot water in your shower and close the door. Hang the garment in the shower room and let the steam get to work.
Breaking in
With your best friend’s wedding in only a few days you curse yourself that you didn’t try on your outfit sooner. You’re in the middle of a how to make a fresh flower crown video when you consider how long you’ll be standing around for, suddenly you remember those shoes being somewhat tight.
If there’s no time to buy a new pair or break them in, consider this quick fix DIY fashion solution. Fill a plastic bag with water and place it into the tow of the shoe. Put the shoe in the freezer for 24 hours. This will gently expand the shoe for a more comfortable fit.
A Quick Hem
On a night out what do you have in your purse? Lipstick, a phone, double sided tape, some perfume … wait! Did you say double sided tape? That’s right, if you’re smart and care about your fashionable image you’ll take some with you wherever you go.
So what does it do and why is it so useful? Let’s say you’re wearing a garment with a hem, it might be a skirt or a pair of trousers. If the hem comes loose your garment will likely start dragging on the floor. It will become dirty or irreparable damaged – but not if you have double-sided tape.
The Bedtime Trick
Your night was a blast but now it’s over. You get back to your home weary and a little drunk. You don’t want to wake up with runny makeup on so what’s the best thing to do? Dab some cotton swabs in olive oil and wipe off the make up. It will take it off easily and rehydrate your skin simultaneously. Time for some ZzZzZzs.
Thank you for reading!
Be fashionable because you feel like it and because it will boost your confidence level