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There comes a time when kids realize that they are learning and suddenly become disinterested in it. They see it as a chore, something that they have to do in school and not something they want to continue doing at home or in the school holidays. However, there are some sneaky ways you can keep your kids learning all the time, and they won’t even realize it, they’ll just think they’re playing, here are a few to help you out if you’re struggling to get your kids to get their heads down and learn.
Write A Quiz For Them
You would have to make this fun so it doesn’t appear like a test, but more of a ‘pub’ quiz without the ‘pub’ bit. Choose a theme where you can either weave in things that your kids are struggling with and need to focus on more, or simply quiz them about the film they have just watched or the day trip you went on to help them with their memories and to keep their brains sharp. You can also weave in spelling questions without them realizing, for example, one question could be a word they’re finding difficult, type it into a word unscrambler to see what other words can be made out of it. Write these down and get them to guess the original word.
Invest In All The Right Tools
Do you ever find that you’re more excited to get to the gym if you’ve treated yourself to some new trainers or gym gear? Well, kids are the same, if you invest in all the right tools, fun pens, highlighters, paper, and sticky notes, then your kids will be keen to use them and spend more time learning.
Make It A Game
Turning any lesson into a game will always make learning fun, and again, your kids won’t even know they’re learning. You don’t have to spend all day prepping a game to play; there are loads of pre-made games you can buy, which will teach your kids all sorts of skills, while they’re still having fun. The most popular, fun, and effective games are usually the simplest, though, so don’t overthink it. Make sure you play with your kids too, show them that it’s fun and you’ll all have a great time and learn loads too.
Ask Your Kids Make Their Own Board Games
This is fun as it keeps them busy, but you also get a good game at the end of it. Ask your kids to choose a topic or theme that they love, so it could be Disney, cats, football, anything they like. Then get them to design a board game around their passion. This activity requires your kids to research their topic, work out the rules, and write simple directions for others to follow. So they learn a lot from it without knowing it, and then everyone gets to play afterward.
Learning can be a lot of fun, so make sure you don’t take the fun out of it!
Thank you for reading!
If you want to make education more fun for your kids then you have to be self-educated.
A self-educated individual can aim to learn a little bit about everything, or they can work hard toward mastering a single subject. Either way, it is the act of taking your learning into your control. It is this drive to further yourself that ultimately leads to success on a personal and financial level. Self-education is important for success and growth in life. It is impossible to become successful without self-education.
A self-educated individual can aim to learn a little bit about everything, or they can work hard toward mastering a single subject. Either way, it is the act of taking your learning into your control. It is this drive to further yourself which ultimately leads to success on a personal and financial level.
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