Wrist pain can be difficult to deal with. Below, we look at some common types.
Wrist Sprain
There are many different causes of wrist sprains, highlighting why the diagnosis stage is of paramount importance. More often than not, a sprained wrist occurs because of a specific incident, such as a fall, and this is exceptionally common during sports, such as skiing, skateboarding, and cycling. A wrist sprain can also occur due to overuse, which is a repetitive strain injury, while other patients suffer as a result of performing heavy manual work, or engaging in activities such as boxing and weight lifting.
If you suffer from wrist pain, you will typically experience a sudden onset of pain; especially if you have fallen over or been the victim of a traumatic injury, and this pain can get worse in the mornings. CBD oil can help, and a lot of people get their CBD oil from the internet or dispensaries. Other symptoms include stiffness, weakness and difficulty in carrying out everyday activities, including picking up objects and opening doors. The pain can be felt on the sides of the wrist as well as the front and the back, and it is not uncommon for pain to be referred to the hand or the forearm.
Wrist Tendonitis
Wrist tendonitis is an overuse condition that can occur when patients carry out prolonged or repetitive activities that place strain on the wrist tendons. Pain varies and it can cause people to have trouble when carrying out normally daily activities, such as using the computer or opening a jar, which is why you need to get your wrist seen as quickly as possible.
There are many different activities that can place strain on the tendons in the wrist, including manual work, such as working at a computer, sewing, using vibrating machinery, bricklaying, painting, and carpentry, as well as sports, including tennis, golf, gymnastics, and badminton. Essentially, any activity that involves repetitive gripping, forceful gripping or something of a similar nature, can cause wrist tendonitis to develop, which is why it is a health condition that is common. In rare cases, this condition can occur suddenly as the result of a traumatic injury.
There are many different signs and symptoms of wrist tendonitis, including stiffness in the wrist, achiness, crepitus, and swelling, while symptoms tend to get worse in the morning and at night, or when the person carries out an activity that they are unaccustomed to or is aggravating. Wrist tendonitis can also make it difficult for people to carry out their usual daily tasks, such as using the computer, opening jars and carrying the groceries; even shaking someone’s hand can cause pain.
Physiotherapy is the best form of treatment for anyone suffering from wrist tendonitis, with most patients making a full recovery when going down this route, yet patient compliance plays a huge role, as you will have to follow the exercises and advice provided at home. A full range of treatments are used to ensure you get back to your best, such as electrotherapy, joint mobilisation, dry needling, and massage, but you need to ensure you follow our self-care advice as well.
•Do you suffer from wrist pain? What was your best course of action?
This post was a collaboration.
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