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It helps to manage blood sugar if you want to get the most out of your waking life. Spikes and dips can cause mood swings, fatigue, and even stress. So try these small tips to feel better.
Try Some Supplements
You will have heard of supplements. Supplements for vitamins and minerals are big business and form a major part of the wellness niche. Some of them are scams, especially blended supplements. But some can genuinely help improve your health. For instance, Alpliean Ice Hack diet pills can help manage your blood sugar levels as a noticeable side-effect of their weight loss benefits. Magnesium, vitamin D, and folate supplements will also help you control any issues.
Keep a Diary when You Eat
Having a diary handy can really help you with blood sugar issues, especially if you are diabetic. But even if you are not, a diary can help you identify where you might be going wrong. A diary helps you identify foods and drinks that contribute to fluctuations. Check your levels first thing in the morning and last thing at night, before each meal, and two hours after. Levels should be between 80 and 130 mg/dL before eating and preferably less than 180 mg/dL two hours later.
Manage Blood Sugar with a Healthy Diet
Of course, a healthy diet plays a huge role in supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Foods high in saturated and trans fats, calories, and of course, sugar will have a negative impact on your levels and will cause them to go up or down. Pop drinks and alcohol are perfect examples. But treats such as chocolate are also a major influence. Additionally, these will cause inevitable dips after an initial spike, which can be very dangerous if you have either type-1 or type-2 diabetes.
Exercise a Bit More
Being at your optimal weight helps your body use your sugar levels much more efficiently. And exercise, of course, is a great way to maintain this. Also, exercise heightens your insulin sensitivity so your body uses any sugars more effectively. Good exercise for weight control in relation to blood sugar includes brisk walking, dancing, and swimming. Also, you can improve this with light exercise every 30 minutes if you sit all day for your job, like sitting at a desk.
Find Ways to De-Stress
We all have stresses in life and some we cannot avoid. However, finding ways to keep your stress levels to a minimum can help your body control sugar levels better. This is because your body creates cortisol when stressed. But also glucagon. And both of these cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Fortunately, doing things you enjoy will help increase serotonin to combat these. You can also relax with activities such as meditation, yoga, or even taking a hot bath.
Your health will improve if you manage blood sugar levels. You can do this with nutritional supplements, making notes in a diary of what you eat and when, and keeping stress levels low!
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