Children are out playing in the sandbox, in the mud, and rolling around in the wet grass. It’s what they are supposed to do! Toddlers are meant to be playing rough and finding out about the world around them by simply doing. This will give them a lot of opportunities to feel different textures, realize what is safe and what isn’t. However during this time, their body is growing rapidly and thus, big changes mean vulnerability. Whenever our bodies are growing there is always a risk that we will develop a condition of some kind. This is because our bodies are growing faster in size that the strength of our immune system. Skin conditions are among the most common for toddlers, so being able to understand and treat such ailments is going to be to your advantage as a parent.
Scalp Itch
There are lots of different scalp conditions that toddlers can develop. As mentioned they will be playing in some messy environments so they have a chance of picking something up. One of them is scalp ringworm is called tinea capitis. Ringworm is highly contagious and it’s possible to be spread from child to child. It usually happens when the toddler is between the ages of 2 to 3. The symptoms should be very clear. Look for a red scalp that is itchy and has developed small scales made of skin. The key is to look for hair loss from the scalp. This could be down to itching but also down to the fluid and inflammation building up underneath the scalp. There may be a rash close by the scalp, such as on the ears, head, face and neck as well. Go to the doctor and he or she will prescribe an anti-fungal medication which will be applied to the head. You may get a treatment that you need to apply to the area and leave it in for a while, or it could be a treatment shampoo.
A Wide Deep Rash
Eczema is more likely present in toddlers than at any other age. It’s because the skin is still developing and it cannot produce the necessary natural oils to keep it lubricated and moisturized. Therefore what you might see is that your toddler begins to have a wide rash that slowly gets deeper. For toddlers, a different kind of treatment such as Dermeze ointment cream should be used. More complex creams like E45 won’t always produce the best results. This kind of ointment cream will be delicate and still moisturize the skin, providing a protecting top layer for your child. Not only does it rehydrate the skin, but it creates a protecting seal for the skin. This is useful for keeping rainwater out of the pores so the natural oils can stay on top of the skin.
For toddlers, the body’s largest organ is perhaps at the weakest level it ever will be. Their skin is something that will almost certainly go through trials and tribulations, so prepare ahead for your toddler.
This post was a collaboration.
Thank you for reading!