The Universe has been testing me this past week.
It’s testing my strength, my patience, my courage and my ability to handle an emotional situation. It’s checking to see if I will remain positive, or if I will crumble into a negative, jaded state-of-mind.
Last Monday, I hit my arm pretty hard on a table. So hard that it swelled up in two places similar to the size of large marbles. I couldn’t move it. It bruised badly. It was extremely painful. I thought it was broken. It was almost impossible to pick up the little babe I babysit, let alone hold his hand.
This is a poorly edited photo, but I feel it shows the bruise/swelling pretty well.
It was my first full week back to work since before the holidays, and it was tough. Figuring out our schedules and making sure Archie (my pup) had enough attention. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but it added on to the stress.
Then on Friday, on my way to work, I was rear-ended getting on the I-10. I just got my car in November. Nooooooo!
And I am incredibly grateful for all these things/events.
This is my affirmation stone from – I carry it around with me and look at it often. <3
Sure, I hurt my arm pretty badly. But it wasn’t broken or fractured. I was able to take off a day of work so I could ice it and let it heal. I have an amazing boyfriend who wrapped it for me every day and did the things I couldn’t do with a hurt arm.
Going back to work every single day was a big change from not working for almost 3 weeks, but I am so grateful not only have a job, but to have a job that I LOVE! I often get asked, “What do you want to do for your career?” after telling them I am a nanny/babysitter. And it’s funny, because this IS what I want to do. I get to hang out with super cool kids. I get to teach them, and they get to teach me. It’s flexible and the parents are awesome. I am so so thankful I get to spend my days doing what I love!
As for the car accident, I could have totally lost it. I could have yelled at the guy who hit me, I could have cried. But I didn’t. Because where would that get anyone? Things happen, especially in traffic in LA. The guy who hit me was really cool, and his first question was, “Are you okay?!” I am grateful no one was hurt. I am grateful the cars weren’t even scratched! It could have been so much worse, but it wasn’t.
I truly believe if you have a positive attitude, you’ll live a positive life. You attract what you talk/think about (thank you Dad for teaching me this). There’s no reason to get upset about things you cannot control. And I learned a few things from these incidents, especially that I am a strong person. This past week may have been challenging, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Smile! Life is beautiful. 🙂
- Have you ever had something unpleasant happen that you were later grateful for?
- Do you feel that you’re a generally positive person?
Thank you for stopping by & reading my blog!
I love this! I try to positive, but sometimes some things just get overwhelming and I need a minute before I can get back in it. I’m working on trying to focus on letting go when things are outside of my control and focusing on what I can control – my reaction! And I’m glad you are okay (except for your crazy bruise!)
Yes! Our reaction is what we can control! I’m not perfect, & it’s an ongoing process. But a positive outlook has changed so much for me! I’m so glad you’re working on it too! Thank you :):)
Perfect examples of turning negatives into positives. I try to keep a positive outlook on things. It’s less stress fro you and you being negative only makes others cranky too. I am always telling my husband find the positive in what ever situation is frustrating him. I think I am finally rubbing off. I say this a lot less often now. LOL
That is a nasty bruise. I am glad to hear it’s not broken.
Mary Long recently posted…It’s been a great start to 2015!
Lyndsay I am so proud of you! This post and the way you’re handling life these days is so inspiring! Keep up the good work, it’s paying off!
Nellie Russell recently posted…Blog Roundup – November 2014
Thank you so much Nellie!! xo