A hippy health lover is not (necessarily) someone with dreadlocks and incense burners (though, they might be and that’s cool!). It’s someone who believes in all of the alternative methods to keep in check with your health, rather than putting pill after pill into your body that’s prescribed by the traditional, western doctors. Some of you will be very suspicious of alternative medicine; not knowing what the government and the health institutes are really putting into our bodies. Some of you will simply not like all of the chemicals that go with western medicine, so maybe you are ready to try some alternative methods. Well, alternative is exactly what we’ve got for you today, because we know how important health is. There seems to be many new health problems arising every minute, from mental health to physical health, and if we don’t start focusing on the issues at hand now, they’re only going to keep growing. So keep on reading, and let us show you how you can become a ”hippy health lover.”
Alternatives To Pain Relief
When it comes to medicines that we’re putting into our bodies, pain relief is up there with one of the things that we’re shoveling in the most. For one reason or another, so many of us are dealing with daily aches and pains that are hard to get rid of, and you may not want to be putting anti-inflammatories and whatever else into your body to get rid of it, every single day. You could to start thinking about the alternative methods that are sweeping the world and revolutionising it all. CBD oil is one of those, and it’s proving far more effective, and far less destructive, than any normal pain relief is. CBDOlja is just one company that can provide you with the goods, but don’t worry, you won’t be getting stoned off it. This has the THC element stripped, meaning you don’t get high, but you get all of the good health benefits. After a week of using this, we know that you’ll notice a massive difference in the pain you are experiencing.
I take CBD oil every day, multiple times a day. I experience inflammation (especially when it’s humid!), and now I’m recovering from neck surgery. Opioids are highly addictive, so I wanted an alternative to those pain pills. I’ve been taking CBD oil and it’s helped alleviate the pain tremendously! The brand I use is called Charlotte’s Web (affiliate link). It’s third-party tested, grown/sourced in the USA, and has been around for longer than most other oils on the market.

Go Organic

If you think about all of the foods that you’re eating in a day, and if you actually look at the contents of any packaged foods, you’ll see that there are many different types of preservatives and additives thrown in there, that are not naturally needed by the body. By going organic, you’re cutting out all of this trash that’s incredibly hard to digest by the body (if at all), and you’ll be turning your body into an oasis. By organic, we mean sticking to fruits and vegetables and lean meats, and trying to stay away from anything that has been packaged, processed, or treated with pesticides, growth hormones, or additives. It is generally easy to cut that crap out of your diet and go organic, you just have to try it for a few weeks, and we promise your digestive system, in particular, will help.
A State Of Mind
Mental health is one of the issues that’s on the rise right now. Depression and anxiety are amongst the biggest conditions that are increasing (especially in teens). It’s now more important than ever to get into the right state of mind. Focus on relaxation and happiness, and maybe think about taking up yoga or meditation. If you tend to focus on your stresses in life, rather than trying to get rid of them, unfortunately it’ll be easier to experience negative mental health (I’ll admit, I struggle with this daily). I have multiple mental health conditions, and while many need medication, like I stated above, I prefer to try alternative methods. Treatments are different for every single person, and I am only speaking to what works for me (*I am not a doctor and do not diagnose, treat, or cure any conditions).
These are only a few recommendations I have, based on my own experiences. They may not work for everyone, and I am in no way telling anyone to change their medication. Always speak to your doctor before changing your health routines!
•Do you prefer traditional medicine or alternative medicine? Do you prefer a mixture of both?
•What do you do the calm your daily stresses? Do you agree with the ones we shared about?
Comment below!
This post was a collaboration. Some links contain affiliate links, meaning I receive monetary compensation if someone orders through that link, at no extra cost to the consumer.
Thank you for reading!

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I’m so glad; thank you!
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I’m a Thai girls. I enjoyed you article so much. This article is so informative.
Thanks you so much for this kind of informative blog.
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Alice Mia recently posted…5 ต้นไม้ ที่คนไม่มีเวลาดูแลก็สามารถปลูกได้
Thanks you so much for this kind of informative article.
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