I’m approaching 30, and my body is definitely feeling it. When I was a teenager, my mom would always tell me, “lose weight now, because it gets harder the older you get.” Ugh, I hate it when she’s right. 😉 Losing weight, getting fit, and finding the right foods to eat has been difficult, ever since I turned 25. My metabolism slowed down , and I felt that my genes were also a contributing factor.
Disclosure: I received a free Home DNA Healthy Weight™ kit + free lab fee in the hopes I’d mention it on my blog. In partnership with Lipton Publicity. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
To find out if my genes were causing any issues, I decided to take a healthy weight at-home genetic DNA test called The Home DNA Healthy Weight™ (created by The DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) Company). This test identifies nutrition and exercise strategies uniquely tailored to each individual based on their genetic makeup.
You learn about:
- Your capacity to lose weight.
- Your protein, fat, and carbohydrate utilization
- The food and nutrients your body needs.
- Cardio exercise and strength training for your body.
- You even get a personalized meal plan based on your results.
The Home DNA Healthy Weight™ kit is extremely easy to use. They provide you with 4 swabs (essentially large Q-Tips), and all you do is swab the inside of your cheek (with all 4), and send them back in the mail! It took me about 2 minutes to complete this. There is a lab fee when you check out (all of this can be done online). You’ll receive your results (also online) about 6 weeks later!
Luckily, Home DNA is offering my readers a $50 discount on their own kit, which brings the price of the kit down to only $69!! That’s an AMAZING price, especially for all the information you get. Get your discount here: Home DNA discount.
As you can see, much of my genes are unfavorable and below average, yay me!…
Here’s an example of a portion of the meal plan tailored specifically to me:
- Have you done DNA testing for your genes (or anything)?
- What would you like to get out of a DNA Healthy Weight test?
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Is this true that we can measure our capacity to lose weight? But how that’s possible?
I want more details for this. How can we calculate our capacity for weight loss?
I’m not really sure of the science behind it. I recommend contacting HomeDNA and asking them 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
Does my DNA analysis service provider will do the same?