While it is possible to work on your fitness at home, a gym membership undeniably has its advantages. A gym is a dedicated workout space, so your home can be reserved for relaxation; the equipment is more likely to be high-end. There’s a range of different classes available for when you feel you need to shake things up, and help will be on hand if you run into any difficulties.
However, it’s fair to say that the experience of visiting a gym can vary. Some gyms are excellent, offering a wealth of benefits to their members that more than justifies their fees. Others… aren’t so excellent, and in the worst cases, could actually harm your ability to meet your fitness goals.
If you’re on the lookout for a new gym, here are four tips that can help to make sure you find the perfect gym for your needs.
#1 – Time Your Visit Carefully
Touring a gym before joining is highly recommended. Make sure you plan your visit around the same time as you would usually be working out. Doing so allows you to get a rough idea of how busy the gym is, and allows you to assess the atmosphere and conditions based on what you are most likely to experience if you sign-up.
#2 – Check the Machines Thoroughly
During your visit to a gym you are considering, take the time to check the machines in detail. First and foremost, look at safety aspects; do the machines look modern and well-maintained, or are they in the kind of disrepair that suggests using them may result in needing to call a personal injury attorney in future? In addition, assess the cleanliness; good gyms tend to ensure that their equipment is thoroughly cleaned regularly, so any sign of accumulated dirt will make that gym a no-go.
#3 – Examine the Existing List of Classes and Ask How Popular They Are
If you are considering a gym because they offer a range of classes you are particularly excited to try, it’s important to ask a member of staff how popular each class actually is. Gyms often cancel classes that have relatively few attendees, so you’ll need to make sure that the class you want to try will actually be available. On the flip side, if the classes you are interested in are bordering on too popular, you may find yourself having to join a waiting list before each class – so it may be worth trying a different gym to see if they have better availability.
#4 – Read the Fine Print
It would be impossible to discuss finding a great gym without a discussion of the contract you will be asked to sign, especially given that gym membership contracts have a tendency for being difficult to break.
*Just ask my boyfriend: Planet Fitness will only allow him to cancel his membership by GOING TO THE GYM HE SIGNED UP AT, which mind you, is in California! We live in Nevada now. Ugh, it is so frustrating. Don’t fall into that trap.
Always ask for time to read through your contract in full before signing, paying particular attention to the clauses related to canceling the contract. Hopefully you won’t need to cancel anytime soon, but it’s always important to make sure you know exactly where you stand before you sign on the dotted line.
The four tips above should help you to find the best gym for your needs. Once you find one, come back here and share which gym you chose! I’d love to hear more about it.
This post was a collaboration.
Thank you for reading!

Thank you for sharing such helpful content!