Tiredness is somewhat normal after working out, but it shouldn’t be a case of you crashing on your sofa and feeling like you need to sleep. Obviously, working your body will tire it out, but you should still have enough energy to get on with the rest of your day. So, why are you so incredibly tired following your workouts? Here are three reasons this could be the case, along with some solutions to help you stop feeling so drained:
You didn’t have enough fuel in your body beforehand
Fueling your workouts is critical to make them more effective and intense. You need to have energy in your body to burn while working out, but the problem is that too many of us work out with a lack of energy to burn. This happens when you skip meals before working out, so your body is essentially running on empty. You burn calories while exercising, but you have no fuel left to sustain you after the workout. So, you start feeling faint, lightheaded, and exhausted.
Addressing this problem is a simple case of fueling properly before working out. Eat a carb-heavy meal or snack before exercising, leaving at least 30 mins after you eat. This will make you feel more energetic during and after the workout. Oh, and refuel after as well (definitely with protein)!
You’re dehydrated
Dehydration is super common since you sweat a lot during your workouts (meaning you lose a lot of fluids). It’s important to be hydrated before working out. You want to feel hydrated during the workout, and of course don’t forget to hydrate after the workout, as well (especially drink something with electrolytes)! This will stop the feelings of exhaustion that you tend to feel.
A couple of ways you can achieve hydration are by bringing a reusable water bottle to the gym (and constantly filling it), or you could even try IV therapy. A water bottle encourages you to drink while exercising, replacing lost fluids along the way. You can use it after the workout as well to keep your hydration levels high. The average IV therapy costs have become more affordable in modern times, and this basically provides instant hydration to your body – along with the benefit of replacing lost electrolytes. Whichever method you choose, just make sure you stay hydrated to avoid extreme tiredness.
You drank caffeine before working out
A common way to approach workouts is to have coffee or another caffeinated beverage beforehand. Certainly, if you take any pre-workout supplement, it’ll be packed full of caffeine. While it gives you a burst of energy for the workout, you tend to crash later on as the caffeine wears off. So, you’re sitting at your desk slumping over struggling to keep your eyes open!
You could fix this by avoiding caffeine before working out, or perhaps have another caffeinated beverage after to keep you going for a bit longer. At least this means you don’t fall asleep at your desk while working!
You shouldn’t struggle to work or go about your daily tasks following bouts of exercise. If you’re absolutely exhausted, it’s likely because of one of the problems above.
Thank you for reading!
[…] could lead to fainting spells, loss of mental focus, and weaken your immune system. So why do you feel drained after hitting the gym? The most common reason could be lack of fuel, such as skipping meals or not eating enough. Even if […]