It can often seem like a question with no answer. Losing weight is something that is easy for one person and incredibly arduous for another, but it is, in fact, about so many different lessons.
Over the past 15 months, I’ve lost exactly 75 pounds. There have been several factors, including the ones listed below!
These are the most crucial:
Sustainability Over Intensity
One of the most important things to fix at the very outset is our mindset. Sustainable weight loss involves making choices that are enjoyable and maintainable in the long term. This means we need to incorporate a practice into our lives and continue to do it.
While there are so many different supplements that can help, such as a weight loss solution like Semaglutide, it’s important to remember that these types of supplements need to be consumed regularly in order to maintain their effects. Sustainability is also about making choices like exercising and making it a natural part of daily life, rather than thinking it’s something we should do to lose weight as a short-term solution.
Recognize Exercise’s Role in Weight Loss
Because so many of us think about exercise as being the key, we must remember that losing weight is a side effect of exercise, albeit a very useful one. We must, therefore, understand that exercise is a solution that plays a significant role in energy expenditure, and we should highlight the importance of our overall activity levels beyond the bare basics.
While there’s research that talks about the benefits of something like walking, if we’re not seeing results because of our metabolism being slower than the next person, it’s time to incorporate exercise into our lives and recognize that, in fact, it’s not the sole factor in weight loss. There’s something called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) that we can incorporate into our lives and make it as regular as clockwork. Remember, consistency and sustainability will trump intensity.
Fiber and Protein for the Win!
To lose weight, we have to understand that calories play an essential role in weight management and, therefore, being in a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss. However, many people make the mistake of dropping their calorie intake hugely, thinking that is the best way, when in fact we need to give our bodies the time to adapt.
Basically, this means we must reduce our calorie intake by a very minuscule percentile, approximately 5% week on week because this won’t feel like a major challenge and we can then celebrate those small wins. But we also need to remember that fiber and protein are essential in this journey because they will help us feel full but also can support our overall well-being during our weight loss journey.
Have a Support System in Place
If you lead a stressful lifestyle and you find yourself comfort eating because you’ve had a bad day or even a bad year, surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who share the same vision as you can be vital to keep everybody’s motivation on course.
The hardest thing about losing weight is that we are all confused on occasion as to what it is for us. It’s not just about exercise, calorie intake, mindset, and everything in between, but it is a combination of all of these factors.
Thank you for reading!