I’ve got nothing but love for the company Delta Labs and their supplements!! I found Delta Labs through a fellow fit friend, and figured I would try it out. They currently have 8 different supplements- all for women, and all gluten-free! Some of them are vegan-friendly, as well!
I have every single supplement except the prenatal and postnatal! Love love love them all! I was so excited about the company and the products, that I became an ambassador for Delta Labs! It’s an amazing community dedicated to women’s health, and I am so grateful to be a part of it. As a welcome, Delta Labs sent me this amazing package of gifts:
I feel so incredibly special!! I get to represent this amazing brand with a backpack, a couple super cute tee shirts, etc! What’s even more awesome about this is that I have samples of the green tea+ that I get to GIVEAWAY to 5 people!!!!! This is my very first giveaway and I am so incredibly excited about it! The green tea+ is probably my favorite product of them all. It helps with weight loss, more energy, more control over emotional eating, and food cravings! It might sound too good to be true, but it has helped me SO much already! If you read my post from last Monday, you’ll know I have a sugar addiction that I am working to get over. The green tea+ definitely helps!!
Okay, so this giveaway is going to be pretty simple! There are 3 things you are required to do to be eligible to win 1 of the 5 sample packs:
- Comment on this post about why you want to try the green tea+
- Follow me on Instagram
- Like my Facebook page
This is what you will win:
Let the games begin!! The giveaway ends on Monday, April 28, 2014!!
Good luck! 🙂
OH, and one more thing: if you’re excited to order any supplements now, go to deltalabsusa.com, and at checkout, enter code GETFITWITHLYNDS for $5 off your order!! They will also send you a prepaid label so you can send back your empty bottle for another $5 off your next order! I love that this company is all about decreasing our carbon footprint! 🙂
With finals coming up in three weeks I’d love to try the green tea+ to avoid emotional eating, and an increase in energy! Sounds like a great product! Crossing my fingers 🙂
I could definitely need some help with emotional eating lol especially since finals are coming up ! But I would also love an extra boot to my energy and metabolism beyond my Herbalife plan! Plus what’s not to love about free supplements and looking great at the same time haha
Any help I can get would be nice. LOL. I am Already on some of the suppliments but I am always interested in trying more.
I was checking out the supplements last night. I’d love to get to try the green tea! They are affordable and I do like the fact they are so specific for every need.
Congrats on becoming another ambassador! How exciting!
I have nominated you for The Liebster Award, be sure to check out the details on my blog:
I would love to try it. I need a energy booster 🙂
I would definitely love to try this, I’ve been looking around and doing research to see what I can try. Congrats on your new journey!